Love in love out

 The love that we receive becomes the love we exude and the more love the more we glow 

The glow becomes popularity….the glow our countenance, our energy.

I always knew and had to counterbalance this in myself since mom didn’t give it to me. There was an emptiness in my upper stomach. A reticence. A pause.

I am ready to let this go. I am ready to face what she did, I’ll answer all the questions. I’ll be brave and flexible like a wave.

I am wise.I am knowing. I heal. I understand. I hold.

I am held. 

There is grace of my heart. There is peace in my studio. 

There is love. 

Love is real. I have it now.

I am not alone. I am not hungry. I am not searching with hands out fearful as I was as a young girl.

20 yrs old and feeling so so cold.

I am 38 with the option to grow and love and smile and feel the full beauty of my own warmth and joy.

The joy of being a friend, being someone who loves. I love myself.

I wear crystals and hug my brother.

I speak! When I’m questioning if something is my mother, if it is I will pin point and know.

Yes, this self esteem hiccup is my mother. I am working on this with patience and grace.

This will in time heal. 


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