From there to peppers and eggplants

From there to here with peppers and eggplants.
I’m HOME after a rough flight left me needing a rest yesterday.
I’ve never liked flying and if it wasn’t for how much I love Christine I’d be taking the bus or train as I used to do. It’s only an hour, the misery I feel, like there’s anything else I’d rather do than this…flying. It’s only an hour from Los Angeles through a rainstorm with clouds.
We talk it through, air pressure holds us up it’s like a wave on the ocean. Turbulence is safe, we’ll be fine… we’ll be fine.
I wore you out today so you’d be knackered on the flight, oh that’s sweet of you… my jaw is full of peppermint gum
And I held Christine’s hand like it was the only thing keeping me calm. She’s taken me on 10 flights, something I once thought was impossible. I love the ground, I love my predictable little life with plenty of warm lemon water and herbs. I love to rest and care and nourish plants and plan whatever I like to do with the time I give myself. Wich is always way too much time because I love to be slow. I choose to be a sloth woman, patient beyond belief. Expanding awareness and understanding of piece and soul.

At this age I’ve become jaded to feeling anxiety or pain as it’s washed away after years of holding too much of those things. I was asked if I have anxiety and I don’t. I’ve made my life so that I don’t have fear.
I feel I can regulate and navigate through. Over money this is the most valuable thing to me, knowing that I’m strong for knowing I can calm myself through any situation so I am able to be there for loved ones and  eventually hopefully soon a dog named Larry.

A lot of things have been difficult for me hat are normal to other people. As a younger person I used to fantasize about being left alone so that no one would know I’m different.
I wore all black with Levi’s and standard shoes. Basic, inconspicuous. Plain.
I cared for growing a family and nothing else.
I cared for pregnancies and my baby, milking, caring, watching, I had the thought “ someday I’ll be free but not today. Someday I’ll have to tell people I’m gay. But not today, today there’s the sweetness of Rays young childhood and the family I’ve wanted to grow year by year…the dedication.”
There was the home with its valley orange grove charm sunny and covered in trumpet vine. Its roses and land. 
I was so sick there. Every night I prayed to angels in the closet. And that’s really true I didn’t know what the purpose of my life was I really am no one.
I’d given up on school to play in the garden and sit on lawn chairs all day siting in my hot tub watching the sky.
I grew a farm and had exotic fruits.
This was a distraction from what I knew I had to do. One more season. It’s almost time to plant, keep quiet. Keep quiet. Keep quiet. 

Now that I’ve been living in home, home as my body and home in my home. I have this question. What’s really important. I feel blessed to be given myself the opertinuity to even ask this question.

I want to move to Pasadena. I want to go to yoga and make pots in the detached craftsman garage. The power bill will be low. The house payed off using methods I’ve alternatively gathered as a dyslexic woman to flourish, so that I can be slow and left alone…or selectively choosing to filter who I allow to see my slowness… I am really very different.

I hated school so much I checked myself out of any shred of the patriarchy, the system the…
Establishment. I figured out right away that I’d need freedom from the world that hates me right away.

A friend system. A partner, a child named Ray. Dogs. Love and nourishment. 

All I want is to love and be loved for who I am. With that I can do anything.

I’ve never had that before…. I told a therapist in 2021… I’ve never been loved.
Not genuinely, no. 

I love my soul. I love the way I love my soul. I feed my body rest and vitamins and food and water. I bathe and moisturize and joy fills the areas that were once so hurt. 

I love myself.

Sprouts become plants that feed me.
These peppers all summer will grow and eggplants will swell up for curry.
To share. Everything for sharing. I share my soul. 



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